Monday, March 8, 2010

New Title for our Blog!

I guess you noticed we changed the title of our blog. That's because we (Mia and Eva) are really busy trying to get ahead of our school work so we can have a longer spring break. Kiki seems to have more time and energy to blog, so we decided to let her take over for awhile. We thought it would be fun to surprise her with the new title, too! But, don't worry we will still be around and post when we can.

Have fun!
Mia and Eva


  1. Ha, this is Emi .. your twin friend, just wanted to say .. KEWL for you .. Have fun with this Kiki.


  2. I love the new blog name...Kiki is the cutest dollie name I have ever heard! I can't wait to see what Kiki will post about!
    Ps. I think Kolby would love to come to your house! You can PM Spencer/Hallie (Hallie is her real name ;D) on AGFMB if you want. Her account is called "Ilovemymia".

  3. Kiki's Korner...cute! Nice alliteration, too. ;)

