Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Homework Club Part 1

Hi everyone! It's Kiki here, with a special blog honoring back to school week. My friends and I are very excited about school starting and we really want to do our best this year.

Remember the beach house? Well, it is now...


...The Homework Club!!!


I spent all day setting up the treehouse to get it ready to be a place to study. We have a calendar, a globe, a map, dictionary and books and notebooks. I think we will need some snacks, too! Want to meet the members of the club? I am going to interview a few of them.


Kiki: Welcome, Clara. Will you please tell us why you joined the homework club and what you want to be when you grow up.
Clara: I want to be a teacher when I grow up! I just love school. I am excited about doing homework with my friends and maybe I can even teach them if they need help.


Kiki: This is Kit. Kit, what do you want to do when you grow up?

Kit: Well, Kiki, I want to be a writer. I might be a journalist or a novelist, but definitely some kind of writer.


Kiki: And, this is Eva. Tell us a little bit about what you want to do with your life.

Eva: Well, I want to be an actress, or a pilot, or an interior designer, or a veterinarian, or ...

Kiki: Okay! It's good to keep your options open!


Kiki: And last of all we have Ella. I think I know what she wants to be!

Ella: Yes, I am already a gymnast and I want to continue that and win a gold medal. But, later I'll probably coach or teach or something. Gymnastics takes a lot of my time, but school comes first, so I joined The Homework Club to stay motivated.


And there you have it! The beginning of a successful school year. If you want to, you could start a homework club, too. Let me know how it goes and good luck with school!

Kiki - your ace reporter who still wants to be an ornithologist!


  1. Awesome! :) How many dolls do you have?

  2. Well... I have to admit I have 23, but started getting them in 1996, so that's over many years. :)

  3. We miss miss miss you guys, our summer was so yucky with Mum so sick, but now she is back on her meds and doing much better .. hope to hear from you guys soon ..


  4. The homework club is a very good idea. I'll have to talk with my sisters about something like that. Thank you for the idea.

    Your Friend

